Item Retrieval Survey Reminder
Editor’s Note: The university will follow the state statute for disposition of property during the removal process of university-owned furniture, equipment and other goods that remain in Poe Hall.
Good afternoon,
We hope you had a restful winter break, and we thank you for your continued patience and support as we prepare Poe Hall for remediation and reconstruction. At the end of the fall 2024 semester, we shared next steps for item retrieval, including a survey that allows individuals to select whether they would like personal items and spaces cleaned before the item retrieval process begins.
As a reminder, the deadline to complete the survey for item retrieval is Friday, Jan. 10, 2025. Please complete the survey as soon as possible, if you have not already done so.
Thank you to all the faculty, staff and graduate students who have already submitted their responses. We anticipate that item retrieval appointments will begin during the last two weeks of January. If you indicated that you are retrieving personal items from the building, you will receive more information on the process and timeline prior to your appointment.
NC State Facilities and a third-party moving service will be available during the personal item retrieval process to help move large or heavy items. More information about retrieval assistance for certain circumstances is shared in the survey.
Beginning today, you will also see more activity in and around Poe Hall as we continue cleaning and removing university-owned furniture. Please contact with any questions about the item retrieval or the building clear-out process.
Thank you.
Warwick Arden
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
Charles Maimone
Executive Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
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